Life itself is a challenge because we are in a spiritual battle between Good and Evil. The world we live in is consumed with negativity and jealousy which ultimately leads to destruction because evil is the master of lies and the counterfeit of God. It’s not about religion, rituals or rules, it’s about your own personal and unique relationship to a God which is good. However, we believe that the closer the connection, the stronger the bondage – and this can show itself in the form of temptation and addictions.

Our professional Christian therapists are Board certified, and licensed, having earned at least a Masters degree in counseling, psychology, or clinical social work. In using a non-judgemental approach to psychological and spiritual wholeness, our therapists combine their own unique professional counseling skills and spiritual beliefs using a biblical perspective. Our goal is to BREAK EVERY CHAIN that keeps you in bondage, so you can live this life God has given to its fullest.

We Are Committed to Break Every Chain

So You Can Live this Life GOD Has Given to its Fullest

(623) 533-5138

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